Content wrapper section
Componenten gegroepeerd in section
's binnen de main
<section> <!-- This can be full width -->
<div> <!-- While the content width can be limited -->
<!-- content -->
Gebruikte bestanden
Voor meer informatie over importeren en instellen van componenten. Zie: Componenten gebruiken en styling toevoegen
Importeer component via npm
@use "@minvws/manon/section-content-wrapper";
Ingestelde waarden
:root {
/* Resetting previously set styles. */
/* This is only needed if these styles have been added */
/* Main */
--main-gap: 0;
--main-padding-top: 0;
--main-padding-right: 0;
--main-padding-bottom: 0;
--main-padding-left: 0;
/* Section */
--section-gap: 0;
--section-padding-top: 0;
--section-padding-right: 0;
--section-padding-bottom: 0;
--section-padding-left: 0;
/* -- end of the style reset -- */
/* Section content wrapper */
--section-content-wrapper-gap: var(--content-gap);
--section-content-wrapper-padding-top: var(--content-padding-top);
--section-content-wrapper-padding-right: var(--content-padding-right);
--section-content-wrapper-padding-bottom: var(--content-padding-bottom);
--section-content-wrapper-padding-left: var(--content-padding-left);
:root {
/* Page */
--page-whitespace-top: 4rem;
--page-whitespace-right: 2%;
--page-whitespace-bottom: 4rem;
--page-whitespace-left: 2%;
/* Content */
--content-flex-direction: column;
--content-justify-content: flex-start;
--content-align-items: flex-start;
--content-gap: 2rem;
--content-padding-top: 2rem;
--content-padding-right: 0;
--content-padding-bottom: 2rem;
--content-padding-left: 0;
--content-max-width: 80rem;